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Ultrasonic Cleaning Solution台式超声波电路板清洗解决方案

Ultrasonic Cleaning Solution台式超声波电路板清洗解决方案

问题:We have a small operation and assemble both leaded and lead free circuit board assemblies.

We currently clean all boards in a bench top ultrasonic cleaning system. What single solution can you recommend for effective cleaning of both of these assembly types in our system?



Ask the Experts Comments专家推荐


推荐1:I am assuming you are using an aqueous solution in the ultrasonic cleaner right now and have a DI water source? Remember even though the focus is on the wash step you are only as clean as your last rinse.

There are several safe and effective solutions available to use in the ultrasonic tool. I can provide you with an aqueous concentrate that will require dilution to @10-20%. The next option is a semi-aqueous solution. This is designed to run at 100% (neat) strength.

Deciding on the right one will require a brief one on one consult with you. I would like to know the flux and/or solder paste you are using and ask a few more questions in regards to the potential for compatibility issues, etc. Please contact me for further information.

我想确认贵司是否是使水基清洗剂清洗,然后让纯水漂洗。如果是这样,最终漂洗的洁净程度决定了最终板子的清洁程度。我们目前有多种超声波清洗剂能够安全有效地清洗贵司的板子。其中找一种是水基清洗剂Aquanox A4651US,10-20%浓度;另外一种是半水基清洗剂IONOX I3302,100%浓度清洗。



推荐2:Yes, there are aqueous and solvent based cleaning agents that are designed for use in ultrasonic equipment and cleaning both, leaded and lead-free pastes.

However, any recommendation for the right cleaning agent technology depends on the paste brand and i.d. # as well as any sensitive materials used on the board's surface, which need to be considered from a material compatibility standpoint.








HFE-7100HFE-7200FC-40FC-3283FC-770FC-77PF-5060PF-5070,EGC-1700EGC-1720HFE-71IPA,HFE-71DA,HFE-71DE,HFE-72DA,HFE-72DE,HFE-75003M Novec Contact Cleaner,3M Novec Electronic Degreaser,3M Novec Flux Remover

上海昆邦化工有限公司 版权所有 @2009-2011 沪ICP备09009627号-4
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